Kamma is action; vipáka is result. Therefore kamma is the active principle; vipáka is the passive mode of coming-to-be.

A collection of essays by five different authors that explain actions and results and how this understanding plays a role in cultivating the Buddha path. The essays are:

  1. Action — Francis Story
  2. Kamma and Causality — Francis Story
  3. Action and Reaction in Buddhist Teachings — Leonard A. Bullen
  4. Questions and Answers about Kamma and its Fruit — Nina von Gorkom
  5. Kamma and Freedom — Francis Story
  6. Collective Karma — Francis Story
  7. Reflection on Kamma and its Fruit — Nyanaponika Thera
  8. Karma: The Ripening Fruit — Bhikkhu Ñāṇajīvako.