The last few months I’ve been busy adding a number of courses to the site and today I’m proud to announce the completion of the University’s new catalog of (now) ten courses.

Normally these digests would wait until the end of the month to come out, but this month I can’t wait to share with you what I’ve been working on! Today, I add six courses to the University curriculum on:

The new course catalog now contains ten Undergrad-level courses, representing over a year’s worth of full-time study and bringing us a large step closer to the University’s goal of providing a free education in Buddhist Studies.

If there’s anything you’d like to contribute towards that vision, from design or technical help to content or feature suggestions, please feel free to email me about it any time. The University wouldn’t exist without your gracious support and encouragement, so thank you for your kindness and enthusiasm this year and I hope you (continue to) enjoy your time here at OBU.

~ Than Khemarato